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Environow .com

>What is happening to our weather?
>This is a serious issue
>T-Shirt Towels
>Put up a reminder
>Corn not so environmentally friendly
>Natural Air Freshener and Bug Killer
>Thrown in the towel
>Waterless Living - Just add water.
>True Costs
>Battling the Weeds
>The Reel Mower Review
>Corn Meal Gluten Test Begins
>Get educated before you listen to more politics
>Presidential Candidates are not economists
>Earth Day - Focus on the "I" in envIronment
>Stop using plastic bags
>Death, Taxes and Landfills
>Did you know?
>Water in the evening
>The Corn Gluten Meal Test Begins
Paper Towels - Half is Enough
Do you want an easy way to reduce waste?  Everytime you use a paper towl, tear it in half or even less and see if that is enough to dry your hands or clean up that minor spill.  Imagine you could cut your use of paper towels byh alf, saving money, saving the waste it creates, saving the energy and materials to produce it, saving the amount of transportation fuel and pollution, and so much more.
Posted by Envirnow.com on Sunday, November 4, 2007 at 20:48

Individual Offsets

There are companies sprouting up all over the place offering ways for you to offset the damage you are doing to the environment through emissions and other pollution.  You can pay money and a company may use it to plant trees or build energy efficient devices in other countries.  May be that makes sense.

Our view on this is if you feel bad about adding to the pollution of the environment do something about it.  Don't just pay someone to plant a tree.  Besides you could plant your own tree.  Money does not grow on trees and the environment is not a simple math equation.  You can't take from Peter to pay Paul.

What can I do?  How about use that guilt money to buy more efficient appliances, use that guilt money to invest in solar, use that guilt money to buy a reel mower etc.

Posted by EnviroNow.com on Monday, September 17, 2007 at 21:25

Flush With Care

How often have you tossed a piece of debris in the toilet or caught a bug with toilet paper and thrown it into the toilet.  What do you do then Flush.....

There are two things wrong with that Flush.  First of all, look at all that water you just flushed down the toilet.  This is not only a waste of money, but it is a waste of the energy and resources it will take to process the water you just flushed for a couple pieces of paper you could have tossed into the garbage.

So use the toilet for what it is meant for.  It is not meant as a garbage disposal.  Using it like a garbage disposal wastes water and also wastes the energy it takes to clean the water before it goes back into a river.

Posted by EnviroNow.com on Monday, September 17, 2007 at 21:20

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