Those so called envrionmental protectors are doing a disservice to those who are trying to shift our civilization to stewards of the planet and not just passengers. The latest incident occured in Britain with a green custard throwing incident. Incidents like this are of no help to leading us forward.
In all the "anger", some probably think it is justified or even makes some sense, but it really is just as selfish an act as these "protectors" think our govenrment leaders are acting.
Einstein said that "we cannot solve the problems we face at the same level of think ing we were at when we created them", yet we keep doing the same things and expecting different results. Point fingers.
Stop the 20th century antics and let's move forward. If you want to help lead us forward then lead. If you want to just get attention then wear bright t-shirts, throw stuff into people's faces and refuse to listen to anybody else.
We all need to listen and lead. This is a serious issue.