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Environow .com

>What is happening to our weather?
>This is a serious issue
>T-Shirt Towels
>Put up a reminder
>Corn not so environmentally friendly
>Natural Air Freshener and Bug Killer
>Thrown in the towel
>Waterless Living - Just add water.
>True Costs
>Battling the Weeds
>The Reel Mower Review
>Corn Meal Gluten Test Begins
>Get educated before you listen to more politics
>Presidential Candidates are not economists
>Earth Day - Focus on the "I" in envIronment
>Stop using plastic bags
>Death, Taxes and Landfills
>Did you know?
>Water in the evening
>The Corn Gluten Meal Test Begins
Welcome to enviroNow.com.

This site is simply meant to help people acknowledge that we are all responsible for the environment and our planet.

We have to learn to live with the earth and not on the earth.  We have to realize that if we do not have a relationship with this living planet we will both pay a high price.

Start to live with the earth today...now.  Everyday you wait could be a lifetime lost for a future generation.  Don't take Now for granted...one day Now may be too late.

We all can play our part in helping us lead our world.

Posted by Chris on Friday, June 1, 2007 at 19:25 Comments (0)

10 Simple Steps to enviroNow


  1. Change the Paradigm to "It just might cost me more money to live with the earth, but trees do not grow on money."  It doesn't always have to be cheaper in terms of $$$.
  2. Stop the waste.  Do simple things (which may save money as well) like recycle and use rechargeable batteries.
  3. Stop blaming someone else all the time.

  4. Acknowledge that every small action helps.
  5. Prevention is easier and cheaper than repairing damages from poor maintenance. (think of your own health and your car).  Sometimes prevention is the only cure.  Seen any "Polar Ice Cap" makers?
  6. This is for real.  Believe it.
  7. Not everything is reversible. "It can wait" is not an excuse!  One day Now may be too late.
  8. It is the right thing to do.
  9. It starts with you.
  10. Thanks for reading this page.  You just did something for the environment. 
Posted by EnvirowNow.com Staff on Friday, June 1, 2007 at 19:23 Comments (0)

Steve Irwin
We will miss you Steve.  You have left us truly understanding the beauty that surrounds us. 
Posted by Environow on Monday, September 4, 2006 at 08:05 Comments (1)

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